Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Prospect Mortgage 2

Sorry to bring another escrow post but I was looking through the last one all night, trying to find reason in what has happened. Of course, I still don't see it anywhere but I did think this morning to look back a bit farther and find out when exactly XXXX received my file again... Now, XXXX wasn't actually the first man from Prospect that I worked with, I originally got my pre-approval from ZZZZ but then ZZZZ quit, suddenly, after a week of very strange communications with my Realtor and me. We were certainly getting frustrated with him as he wasn't responding to calls or e-mails and was pretty much giving us a good idea of things to come, although at the time, we thought this was just him...

So XXXX first received my file, according to the e-mail pass-off I received from ZZZZ on or slightly before May 7th Chyeah! (excuse the abnormal English but there is no other way to express it.) He received what was supposed to be a complete file from ZZZZ, except for appraisal information because that hadn't taken place yet, on May 7th. On that day came the first documentation update:

May 7 - They request a new copy of my bank statement and our latest paystubs. That makes sense, I last submitted them over a month ago so new ones should be available. I forward them the same day.

May 12 - They request the final signed contract from our contractor, we thought this was finished earlier with documents we submitted in April but XXXX told us that those weren't the correct forms. We got this finished within the day, even though it involved going back and forth with our contractor, and in the meantime found another document that needed signing and forwarded that to XXXX.

May 14 - Our appraisal inspection is scheduled for May 17th! Celebrating all round (as it's finally been done - yes, there were plenty of delays on that front too)

May 17 - Over the weekend, we received a big bundle of papers from prospect and weren't sure if we needed to send them back with our signatures or not - we hadn't received any notice or explanation at all. So I write to him Monday saying I think that these must be our copies but I'm not sure.

No response for two days...

May 19 - XXXX emails us saying sign them and fax or email them back to him. Short email, just like that... Then I have to scramble to get those 50 pages signed and scanned. I'm able to get them to him on the next day.

By the way, at this point it's been a week since the appraisal took place and we've had no word about it, even though we specifically asked if it went well. Our emails were just ignored.

May 21 - Tom asks for a letter signed by Patrick and Me explaining our employment history for the past 2 years... Well, this wasn't a problem since I'd already made this for ZZZZ! I forward it to him, sadly, not until Monday (my one long response).

May 22 - Now here's a big one that may explain why I'm writing another entry about this. My Realtor had emailed XXXX asking about the timeline, if we'd be able to make it, etc. He wrote this back:

I expect this file will be out of underwriting by Friday of next week. Have a great weekend!

Senior Loan Officer,

And OMG, I had a great weekend, planning my garden and all the gardening I would be doing on the weekend of May 29-30!!

Then as the weekend is approaching, we're not getting any emails....

May 28 - Then he responds to my email (again his words exactly):

Just want to ask what the status of the loan is, will underwriting be finished today?

Thank you,


Given end of month and holiday. Tuesday is the when expect to have your file back from underwriting.


And after that, we were still cautiously optimistic, it's been nearly a month but hey, it's a house, and we do have difficult histories. However, as you know if you saw yesterday's post, our next communication is on June 1st and we were nowhere near finished. ::sigh::

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