Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Grand Entrance

It's taken a bit longer than we originally thought, but finally our front porch is starting to look like a porch.

Our little house started with an understated and after nearly a hundred years, an unstable and leaning porch but now its nearly transformed into the grand entry our restored old beauty deserves. Not to brag but we took a close look up and down the street after we looked over the stairs and our house definitely has the best looking stairs on the street (will have the best looking front when Abel's finished). We actually had three people stop and talk in front of our house about the new stairs on Sunday. Oh, it made me giddy but I'm a naturally shy person so I sunk down on the couch so that they wouldn't see me and told Patrick about them. Of course, he then decides to go out and talk so I got the courage to go out too. The house is finally starting to look like it's inhabited and being cared for. Makes me so happy. So happy, I'll give you a few more pictures and even advertise for my contractor in one.

Anyway, once the men are finished with the porch, it should be safe for us to begin working on the front garden. I was so eager to start that when I went to Home Depot this weekend, I bought a couple of plants. I think we'll start at the concrete pad in the very front and put some of the larger landscaping stones from the backyard extending in a line out from the first step, marking out what will be the front bed and creating a tiny retaining wall. Then I'll plant the two new plants I bought around there (don't remember their names yet) along with my Fortnight Lily, Salvias, and Nemesias. Then from that first step we'll put in two paths to either side of the yard, in some kind of stepping stones. Anyway, I could write more, but it really needs pictures, so I 'll move on.

Also on Sunday, we prepared the area around the garage for the work that will start there probably next weekend. There were two roses in front of the fence, horribly placed and sure to get trampled so with Patrick's help, the healthier one was moved to the back yard.

As you can see, the fence didn't survive the move. It was quite amusing actually, Patrick literally lifted the fence panels out of the ground and they didn't resist in the least. Now Our backyard is open... but then again the little latch shouldn't have really deterred anyone. About the rose, I check on it yesterday night and of course, it was very wilted. But unlike with the last rose I moved (which is growing again, yay!), I gave this one a haircut, taking off all the wilty ends of the branches so hopefully, it will be able to hold onto some of its leaves while it settles in.

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